500 LPD flat plat collector (FPC) pressurized model MG branded solar water heater by Murickens Group

 500 LPD flat plat collector (FPC) pressurized model MG branded solar water heater by Murickens Group


Murickens, the manufacturer and supplier of solar water heater of international standards, is an ISO certified company and there are two types of solar water heaters being widely used in kerala. The first one is FPT Model which is maintenance free and almost all of its parts are made up of pure copper and duly guaranteed for long durability and the second is ETC model made up of Glass Tubes. The main difference between these two models are that while in FPT Model the heat absorbent (panel) is copper fins in the ETC model it is evacuated glass tubes. Murickens products are marketed through MG marketing system under the registered brand names `MG` & `FLYLINE` and MG water heater has got a remarkable role to play in saving energy and its main attractions are very low maintenance cost ,unlimited usage and the non- requirement of a government licence. Using most modern technology and arranging subsidies for all our solar products from the Minstry of New Renewable Energy, we are highly delighted to state that we have installed innumerable Thermal Heat Converting Devices in kerala since 1993 with computer precision and unchallenging perfection Read More

9400464444 ,9447366779 http://solarhotwaterequipment.com/


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